A light hearted look at how you engage with spiritual concepts and experiences

Answer the following 16 questions to find out...

Tip: Don't think too hard or long - keep it light hearted and impulsive (there are no wrong answers!)

1 / 16

What’s your response to this statement:

“There is a corresponding increase in our manifest spiritual authority relative to the vertical position of our inner submission”

2 / 16

An invitation to explore and learn how to live a supernatural lifestyle fills me with:

3 / 16

"I am open to new spiritual concepts or experiences…"

4 / 16

Read this statement:

“There are two dimensions, the physical and the spiritual”

Your initial response to this statement is:

5 / 16

If I sensed God was communicating with me I would firstly:

6 / 16

 In spiritual matters what is important to me is:

7 / 16

To you the unknown spiritual world is like:

8 / 16

You see an unusual light shaped like a man - your instant reaction is:

9 / 16

You escape a disastrous car wreck by a whisker - to you this is most likely down to:

10 / 16

If you experience something unusual (for example, you see a single blue butterfly 3 times in one day, a real one, one on a necklace and one is on a card someone sent you) your response is likely to be:

11 / 16

You think about an old friend you haven't seen or thought of for 10 years… then the next day, they call you! To you this is:

12 / 16

If you were offered the opportunity to learn about new spiritual truths and supernatural dynamics you would:

13 / 16

In my opinion the pursuit of spiritual knowledge is a matter primarily for:

14 / 16

What’s your typical response to the following: 'Dreams, visions, supernatural revelation, blessings, angels, spirits'

15 / 16

If you were to sense a strong spiritual atmosphere you would most likely

16 / 16

In Genesis 28 Jacob has a dream:

“…in which he saw a stairway resting on the earth, with its top reaching to heaven, and the angels of God were ascending and descending on it.”

‭‭Your initial response to this is: