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When we testify to the reality of God’s love and power in our lives we do far more than simply communicate with words. In this episode Rob & Aliss demonstrate the power of testimony and how it is profoundly linked to prophecy.

About the series: GROWING IN THE PROPHETIC is an empowering training series designed to help you cultivate and grow in the prophetic. Whether you’re just starting out or seeking fresh inspiration, this course will guide you on your journey to hearing God’s voice more clearly and operating in the prophetic through the power of the Holy Spirit. Get ready to be equipped, encouraged, and activated!

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A light hearted look at how you engage with spiritual concepts and experiences

Answer the following 16 questions to find out...

Tip: Don't think too hard or long - keep it light hearted and impulsive (there are no wrong answers!)

1 / 16

 In spiritual matters what is important to me is:

2 / 16

What’s your response to this statement:

“There is a corresponding increase in our manifest spiritual authority relative to the vertical position of our inner submission”

3 / 16

You escape a disastrous car wreck by a whisker - to you this is most likely down to:

4 / 16

You think about an old friend you haven't seen or thought of for 10 years… then the next day, they call you! To you this is:

5 / 16

If you experience something unusual (for example, you see a single blue butterfly 3 times in one day, a real one, one on a necklace and one is on a card someone sent you) your response is likely to be:

6 / 16

An invitation to explore and learn how to live a supernatural lifestyle fills me with:

7 / 16

You see an unusual light shaped like a man - your instant reaction is:

8 / 16

In Genesis 28 Jacob has a dream:

“…in which he saw a stairway resting on the earth, with its top reaching to heaven, and the angels of God were ascending and descending on it.”

‭‭Your initial response to this is:

9 / 16

If you were offered the opportunity to learn about new spiritual truths and supernatural dynamics you would:

10 / 16

To you the unknown spiritual world is like:

11 / 16

In my opinion the pursuit of spiritual knowledge is a matter primarily for:

12 / 16

Read this statement:

“There are two dimensions, the physical and the spiritual”

Your initial response to this statement is:

13 / 16

What’s your typical response to the following: 'Dreams, visions, supernatural revelation, blessings, angels, spirits'

14 / 16

"I am open to new spiritual concepts or experiences…"

15 / 16

If you were to sense a strong spiritual atmosphere you would most likely

16 / 16

If I sensed God was communicating with me I would firstly:

Rob and Aliss Cresswell

About Spirit Lifestyle

Spirit Lifestyle is a faith based training and equipping organisation with a focus on the supernatural giftings of the Holy Spirit. Spirit Lifestyle is founded and facilitated by Rob and Aliss Cresswell who have extensive experience of pioneering one-to-one revelatory, healing and freedom ministries in the marketplace (such as their Miracle Café network). This powerful online resource brings accessible and practical teaching that develops both ‘hands-on’ faith for miracles and clarity for purposeful living. Rob and Aliss have published over 10 books, appeared on TV and speak and train internationally through their workshops and events.

Training in Supernatural Living

with Rob & Aliss Cresswell

Welcome from Rob and Aliss


We’re Rob & Aliss Cresswell and we want to help you transform your world by encountering the Living God through His Holy Spirit and demonstrating His love and power tangibly everywhere you go. We’ve put together this Spirit Lifestyle portal to help you do just that.

Closed Captions

All our training videos have closed captions in English.

The majority of our videos have closed captions in German, French and Spanish.

And we are also in the process of adding Azerbaijani, Norwegian and Portuguese.

So looking forward to starting this journey… thank you for the teachings and thank you Jesus for showing me you are with me” GRACE

I want to say thank you so much for saying we can join for any amount as I would not have joined otherwise. I have raised my amount again and will continue to do so as He is prospering me. I am growing so much being with this fellowship of fiery ones!” ELLEN

Fantastic videos. Brings calmness to my soul. I always enjoy watching all the landscape and teachings. Thank you Aliss and Rob.” ANTHONY

Love the fresh and clear way these powerful truths are presented! You have such an ability to clarify & inspire. Anyone, whether newly born again or very old in the Spirit both gain much from these teachings!” BETSY

Wonderful and informative videos. What the girl explained at the beginning was exactly what had been happening to me from an early age… I love the simplicity of your teachings and the peace of God that transcends through your messages.” SHEENA

Simple but profound. Truly insightful! Thank you for guiding us through the steps for freedom… I love the faith activations and practise them daily. Thank you for sharing your knowledge and experience.” SUSAN

I’m excited to start this as I am entering a big transition in my life. We are praying about what God wants for our life going forward. Perfect timing, imagine that!” Cynthia

I am absolutely loving all the videos and information. Very helpful! The steps and understanding can be easily implemented into my every day. Even knowing what to ask the Holy Spirit makes a difference! I am thankful to have the Holy Spirit and your teachings and wisdom to help me get my heart right and to have a deeper understanding.” MONIQUE

Loving all your videos” JULIE

Wooh. My life will never be the same again! So excited to practice talking with GOD every day!” CHRISSIE

Wow what a treat to be part of this group of people from all over the world. Great to hear from everyone thank you” ALI

The greatest program I’ve ever seen, learning and tapping into the anointing that is upon your life” CHRISTOPHER

Powerful teaching. I cannot thank you enough.” CHARITY

So amazing and inspiring. Never heard anyone explain the heavenly realms in this way. Thank you, this has opened my mind.” Abi

“I am learning so much from the mentoring program. It’s exactly what I needed!! My hubby and I are teaching a home group and I’m able to glean some great revelation to share with our group and to challenge them.” JOANNE

“You really stretch me to live out of my comfort zone and inspire me to live a ‘spirit lifestyle’ 24/7. I am now in a habit of ‘expecting a miracle’ daily, and God continues to surprise me with His Goodness! LORINDA

“Thank you for this mentorship and your accessibility via the group and live Q&A. I no longer experience that sense of ‘spiritual isolation’ which was a burden I had before joining this programme 🙏🏼” LORINDA

“I was pleasantly surprised at the quality and content of your videos. They are an encouragement. Great job.” MICHAEL

“This is hands down some of the best teaching on living a Spirit lifestyle!  I say don’t wait, just do it. Sign up. Thank you both for your obedience to the lord, and your love for the church.” KEITH

Since I discovered Rob & Aliss’ teaching I’ve been looking for miracles to happen all around me. They have helped open my eyes to the truth, that signs and wonders follow them that believe. I’m no longer satisfied with church as usual. Reading their books and watching the videos make me so excited. I’m always longing for more experiences with the Holy Spirit, to walk with Him daily. To see others free. This community has been a true blessing to me.” EB

I am so thankful for Spirit Lifestyle! Each class and each video I watch impacts me! I am learning and growing! Thank you!!” LH

I have learned so much and have become more bold and on fire for serving the Lord! I’m so appreciative of my coach and her gifts of leading, prophesying, encouraging, and activating our group to minister to others. We actually did street ministry this past weekend and we saw healings, deliverance, and people getting their prayer language! It was so exciting! The Lord continues to put people in my path to pray for and to encourage to draw closer to Him. I’m immensely thankful for Rob and Aliss, for pressing into what God put on their heart to do to teach and equip us to help bring for the Kingdom of God. Thank you Spirit Lifestyle!” Shelly

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