A huge weight lifted!


“I was out walking this week on the South Downs and saw a guy in tears, sitting on a bench. I shot up a quick prayer for courage and approached him, thinking this would be a great opportunity to tell him what’s happened to me over the last few weeks.

So I went over to the guy, “Do you mind if I ask why you’re upset?”

As he was talking, I discovered he was a Christian and my mind was whirling with so many questions to ask but just kept it simple: it sounds like an evil spirit / demon has got in and you need healing from something? (Trying to dig a little deeper!)

I soon realised what he was struggling with and reminded him of Jesus’ love for him no matter how we feel and that we need to tell the evil spirit of (…) to go in the name of Jesus. So I prayed in the name of Jesus and asked him how he felt afterwards. “A cold shiver down my back but better” was his reply. Thank you Jesus!

A black shroud lifted

I then told him what’s happened in my life over the last few weeks. How attending the weekly online Spirit Lifestyle Classes has turned my life upside down (for the right reasons)! I had been feeling rather lost, but now I’ve never felt such a weight off my shoulders, a black shroud has been lifted, so very peaceful, a lot less stressed and so much more calmness. More get up and go, so life all round has improved: health and fitness too but more importantly – spiritually.

I saw Spirit Lifestyle advertised on Facebook, and was invited along by my secondary school form tutor Ali,  as she thought this would be just what I needed. These classes were to be held online due to the coronavirus (covid-19) lockdown, and still didn’t stop me signing up! I wasn’t sure what to expect apart from they were classes to do with improving Mind, Body and Spirit.

After having watched the first video, it was a fantastic reminder to me as to who God is, how the Holy Spirit can work and change in people. After the video, Ali (the Coach) read out the following message sent from God: does anyone here feel like they have a black shroud/black sheet covering them and whatever they do can’t seem to shake it off? Well, this felt like me. And after prayer, I felt the Holy Spirit remove this from me, and I felt a huge weight off my shoulders.

The Spirit of Jesus is powerful!

I have also since had a revelation as to what the black shroud was, and prayed to the Holy Spirit for the black shroud / evil spirit never to return. Ever since, I have the Holy Spirit changing me for the better, I have felt more calm and a lot more at peace.

I have since watched many more videos on the SpiritLifestyle.com website, also I have read: ‘How to Be Healed and Stay Healed’ by Aliss Cresswell – be ready for the Holy Spirit to work in you! I will be forever grateful for Rob and Aliss Cresswell for all the work they have done and are doing, in so many people’s lives by not only healing but leading them to Jesus.” Chris, UK

You too can be free!

Do you feel as though you are carrying a weight on your shoulders or sense a darkness over you? Like Chris and the guy on the bench that he prayed with, you too can be free. But first, you have to make that decision. No-one else can do that for you. Be brave and take courage, just like Chris did and take that step of faith! It could change your life.

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  • In pain? Health failing? In need of a miracle? Right from the outset, Aliss releases divine power as she speaks truth into your mind, soul and body. This anointed book by Aliss Cresswell has the potential to change your life. Expect a miracle as you come into alignment with heaven and follow the simple, practical steps to keep your healing.
By |2021-04-13T09:24:55+01:00July 1st, 2020|Articles, Miracle Stories|5 Comments

About the Author:

Aliss Cresswell avatar
Aliss Cresswell believes in the God of miracles and living a life full of love and power. Through pioneering Miracle Cafés and Spirit Lifestyle training, Aliss and her husband Rob equip and activate those who pursue a Spirit-filled life to demonstrate God’s power and transform communities everywhere they go.
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