Demons in a dog!?

We’re hearing of more and more miracles breaking out right now amongst our community members both online and where they live, in various nations! Here’s just a few of the many that we read this morning:

Is Autoimmune disease too hard for God!?

“Prayed for a friend a couple of weeks back who was exhausted and in pain from lupus (autoimmune disease). Felt to get her to pray repentance to close any doors to witchcraft or idolatry from her own life or ancestors as she hadn’t done it before. After praying I asked if she felt anything and she said it was amazing, she felt fire all across her shoulders, so we prayed some more. The pain has completely left her. Blown away by God moving so simply!” JG

Deliverance and Freedom
“I’m from Nicaragua. As I was watching your deliverance video and the lady gave a cry out, it so impacted me that after the deliverance I felt the desire to cry out three times and I believe that I was delivered in Jesus’ name.” SC

Animals can be free too!

“I went away for a few days last week. The place where I was staying had a lovely little sheepdog cross spaniel who was regularly visiting me to say hello. I weirdly didn’t like the look of her eyes. I’ve never felt like that about a dog before. She had a sore leg that was slowly healing and the owners explained that she was bitten by an adder and nearly lost her leg. When she came over I laid my hands on her and prayed for healing from trauma and for peace. I could feel my hands getting hot. This was after they think she had also got stung by wasps. All of a sudden she started to get agitated and seemed terrified and she jumped up onto my lap and kept scrambling to get closer to me, so I decided to take her back to her owners, but later I thought that it might have been a manifestation due to fear. So I prayed and I thought God said stand with her until the fear has gone. So when she came back again the next morning I prayed to cast out any spirits of fear and terror. I am not kidding she yawned 3 times consecutively in a minute or so and the first time with a little cough sound. She’d never yawned before and I just felt that had to be demons coming out. After her yawning I also suddenly had a positive feeling and felt happy for her and I felt like that was the Holy Spirit confirming to me that it had worked. After that she looked different in her eyes, brighter.” SS

Fear of coming off medication

“Hi Everyone, yesterday during our Spirit Lifestyle weekly Class I asked for prayer as I have been struggling with high blood pressure since I was 26 or 27 years old due to stressful and oppressive things me and my husband had to endure during our first year of marriage. I have since been taking medication and just wanted God to heal me over the years. I even stopped taking the pills for as long as a week a few years ago, but then fear and anxiety would come in and then I just start over again and remember feeling so disappointed of myself. During 2019 I felt as if my body just did not want the medication and was still praying for healing. I remember going to the doctor for a check-up and he told me that my blood pressure was normal and telling me to just stop taking the pills, but I was still so afraid to stop and just went on…

While the other Class members were praying for me yesterday I felt the Holy Spirit came over me so powerfully and just began crying while feeling a warmth over my body. When the session ended I felt His presence still so strong and began just laughing in the Spirit, being full of joy. I received my full healing this time in Jesus name. This community is what I have always been dreaming of and I am excited for what the Lord is still to do. God bless.” JA

An invitation from Rob & Aliss Cresswell

We want to help you live the life you were born for. God has chosen you to live a life of fullness and a lifestyle of miracles. He wants to work powerfully in and through your life. We invite you to be part of our supportive online community and mentoring where you can choose a weekly Spirit Lifestyle Class to suit you, we’ve personally produced many powerful training videos that will help bring clarity and a sense of well being, along with activations and faith tasks that will help you put into practice the overcoming Spirit-led life. Plus regular live Q&A where we answer your questions live!

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