What a remarkable year it’s been! We can testify that ‘what the enemy has meant for harm, God has turned for good’.
Our hearts are with all of you who have lost or been separated from loved ones. And also the many who have lost businesses, homes and incomes. We pray that God upholds and sustains you with His love and that you will experience His presence and His blessings in an ever deeper way.
Yet despite the difficulties faced this year, we want to applaud all of you who have kept the faith, who have kept going even when the going’s been tough. And we have to say that God has proved Himself yet again to be a faithful, wonder-working God when all around has been calamity.
We’ve been on a journey this year and we thank you for your prayers and support along the way. The Lord called us to leave our home, pack our car and head wherever the Holy Spirit led us. Despite the outbreak of Covid and subsequent lockdowns, we’ve continued to follow His leading and together with our small but wonderful Spirit Lifestyle team, we’ve been truly amazed by God.
In 2019 the Lord indicated that we were not to arrange any of our usual workshops for this year or book any flights. But instead, to focus on training online. So in October 2019 we launched our online training portal with our many videos, an online community (like Facebook) and livestream. Incredibly, we did all the work ourselves and launched the portal last October.
We have seen God move powerfully through our online portal – one of the hundreds of wonderful testimonies is from a lady in Scandinavia who after 20 years of searching through New Age, gave her life to Jesus after joining our online community earlier this year and has been healed, baptised and now leading others to Jesus in her workplace and doing miracles!
It’s now been some time since the Lord led us to step down from running the miracle cafes, shops, B&B and apostolic network that we’d established, but recently we have sensed a prompting from the Holy Spirit to partner with others around the world who feel called to open a Miracle Hub, a ministry / business in their community.
We have been overwhelmed by the number of people who have a heart to do this in order to reach the broken, the lost, the sick, the seekers and the lonely with the love and power of the gospel of Jesus.
One thing we have learned through our previous market place ministries is that a new way of discipleship and mentoring is needed. So for the past five years we’ve worked diligently, putting together Bible-based training videos and resources that are now being used on our portal, our Classes and in these new Hubs.
Our Vision
We believe the Lord is calling us all to DREAM BIG. We want to see Miracle Hubs and / or weekly Spirit Lifestyle Classes in every region and in every nation. To achieve this, we would like to partner with you. Please pray and ask the Holy Spirit to direct you as you scroll down.
Click any of the images below for more details…

Spirit Lifestyle Membership
For a monthly amount of your choice, access all our online training videos, monthly live Q&A, weekly online Classes, online community group.
If you’re already a member, consider increasing your monthly amount to help cover the cost of those who are struggling financially or from a developing nation.

Volunteer to be a Coach
Inspire others to go higher! Make a difference and reach people who are searching for God and those who want to go deeper in the Spirit. Help them to encounter the love and power of God and discover their God-given potential by becoming one of our ‘Coaches’ and facilitate a Spirit Lifestyle Class either online or locally. We will train and support you every step of the way.

Establish a Hub
Whether it’s a café, a showroom, a shop, a training school, a drop-in, a homely B&B or some other marketplace venture, if you have a vision to provide a Hub – a place where the glory of God dwells and where anyone can encounter the power of God and discover the fulness of His love for them, then let’s partner together. There’s never been a better time than now.

Property or Equipment
Perhaps you own a commercial property that could be used for marketplace ministry. Already we have people with a vision to start a Hub that are looking for premises to use. Or you may have a second home available that could be used by Rob & Aliss and team when travelling. Or maybe you have equipment that you’d be willing to donate to one of our Hubs.

Become a Financial Partner
Consider donating a regular amount through our US charity which gained tax-exempt status this year. Any amount, no matter how small, is gratefully received by us and will be used to further the Kingdom of God throughout the nations. We cannot continue this work without the help of our financial partners.

Prayer Support
We value your prayers and intercession for our team, our online members, Class members, Coaches and Hub Leaders.
Please pray for more labourers to be raised up across the nations and for all those we reach, that they would live in the fulness of all that Christ Jesus purchased for them at the cross.