Resurrection Power!

Blog by Aliss:

A strange thing happened.

Yesterday, Rob was filming the birds in our garden eating seeds, for a devotional video of how the Lord takes care of the birds and how we shouldn’t worry about life (Matthew 6). Rob then went out for his morning run up the mountain. I was working on my next book (on demons) and was writing the story of the woodpecker that I raised from the dead some years ago, when the grocery delivery man arrived. Without knowing any of this, he just happened to start asking me about the birds in our garden and how he’d love to see a woodpecker in his garden. I thought it a bit strange that he brought up the subject of woodpeckers randomly.

He seemed a bit surprised when I offered to pray for him, but he asked me to pray for a family member who had just received some bad news from the doctor. I prayed, told him more about Jesus and then he left. I walked into another room and almost straight away I heard a loud bang on the window right where we’d been standing. I went back to look and saw a woodpecker on the ground which looked dead. I couldn’t see it moving and its eyes were closed.

I started to pray through the window and watched as its eye opened and I could see it begin to breathe. I started videoing. Watch the video and as I say, “I speak life and resurrection power” the young woodpecker immediately gets up on its feet! Keep watching to see what happens next…

Now I’m writing this the next day and literally as I’m writing this, the same woodpecker (I think) starts tapping on the window. I’ve added it onto the end of the video. How weird. They’re usually very timid birds and I’ve not seen that before.

Woodpeckers to me speak of resurrection power (because I raised one and now possibly two, from the dead). Jesus “gave us resurrection life and drew us to himself by his holy calling on our lives. And it wasn’t because of any good we have done, but by his divine pleasure and marvellous grace that confirmed our union with the anointed Jesus, even before time began!” (2 Timothy 1:9 TPT).

 “Do not worry about your life… or about your body… Look at the birds of the air; … are you not much more valuable than they? Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?” (Matthew 6: 25-27).

The woodpecker knocking on the window reminds me that we have an invitation to know the power of the resurrection released in our own bodies and through us for others as we are united with Jesus, one with Him. Instead of worrying and cutting short our lives through coming into agreement with death, let’s believe the truth, that Jesus has defeated death and let’s step into eternal life as we’re united with the anointed Jesus who is the resurrection and the life!

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By |2021-04-13T09:23:38+01:00July 10th, 2020|Articles, Miracle Stories|10 Comments

About the Author:

Aliss Cresswell avatar
Aliss Cresswell believes in the God of miracles and living a life full of love and power. Through pioneering Miracle Cafés and Spirit Lifestyle training, Aliss and her husband Rob equip and activate those who pursue a Spirit-filled life to demonstrate God’s power and transform communities everywhere they go.
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