FAST FOOD (OR BANQUETING WITH ANGELS) "Fasting possesses great power and it works glorious things. To fast is to banquet with [...]
FAST FOOD (OR BANQUETING WITH ANGELS) "Fasting possesses great power and it works glorious things. To fast is to banquet with [...]
We had a friend when we were younger who always seemed to get into these bad situations... You know, things going [...]
If you have NEVER recognised Jesus as your personal Saviour then it is the most important thing you will ever do [...]
“Clear for action and beat to quarters!” I liked the movie so much I got the T-Shirt! The movie is ‘Master and [...]
Blog by Rob Cresswell. When Jesus was asked by a distraught father if He could heal his tormented son, this was His [...]
“Can a Christian have a Demon?” is a question that comes up from time to time in our workshops. It’s a [...]
At a recent workshop one of the delegates asked me an interesting question: “Can I pray for healing for others even if [...]
“It must be destiny!” Have you ever said that? Or “I’ve got this weird feeling - it’s like this was meant to [...]
When it comes to well-being we can have a tendency to focus on physical healing. The bad backs, the blood and skin [...]
Heavenly realms is a term we use for speaking about spiritual realities in spiritual dimensions. The term heavenly denotes a place [...]