But read what happened this week…

OUR MIRACLE CAFÉ WAS KNOCKED DOWN! Yesterday we took our cameras to the exact spot where our miracle café used to be in Blacon. We did some filming for our new video series ‘Kingdom Influencers’ and I shared some of the background to us opening the café and the incredible miracles breaking out. While we were filming, this lady walked past with her children. She’d heard about our miracle café from Terry Fingers whom she knew and remarked on the change in his life after the glass supernaturally left his body and he began to follow Jesus as a result.

The power of Jesus was flowing as we were chatting and the pulled muscles in her back were instantly healed. Then she and her son both gave their lives to Jesus on camera too. Then this guy on the left of the picture came over. He also knew Terry Fingers and began to tell us about his brother who had epilepsy. As I was praying for his brother, the Holy Spirit showed me that this guy had some stuff in his life from the past that was affecting him right now. He admitted he’d been a heroin addict for 20 years and though he was now clean, he suffered from depression. As we were talking about Jesus, he got really hot. Then he laughed and said the depression had lifted and he was already feeling better.

He then began to pray out and asked God to forgive him for the sins in his life. I was helping him, but he himself commanded the spirit of despair, the spirit of depression and death and the spirit of addiction to leave – he coughed as they left, and then he invited Jesus into his life for a brand new start. It was so wonderful. Rob got it all on camera so I expect we’ll be using the footage in our new video series.

Do you know that Jesus is the same – yesterday, today and forever? What He did in our miracle café in Blacon 10 years ago, He will still do in Blacon today, even though the café is gone. The miracles Jesus did on the earth 2000 years ago, He still does today, no matter where in the world you are. He’s just waiting for you to join in with Him – recognise that you need Him, surrender it all and follow Him completely with all your heart and all your life. And as you do that each day, falling deeper in love and in union with Him, take a step of faith with the Holy Spirit and live the life of miracles that you were created for!

An invitation from Rob & Aliss Cresswell

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