Aliss Almighty!?
By Aliss Cresswell
Aliss Almighty!?
By Aliss Cresswell
As you may imagine, because we’ve witnessed tremendous miracles of healing, freedom and breakthrough over the years in the lives of so many, we receive thousands of messages from people all over the world, desperate for a miracle and wanting answers to prayer.
It got to a point where we literally had to unplug the phone and now we don’t even have a phone line at all, we just couldn’t deal with the huge number of calls from so many desperate people. To be honest, at times I felt like crying and running away, although where to, I didn’t know. Just anywhere, away from the burden of so much pain and desperation. “Lord. I never asked for this,” I cried. All I wanted was to see sick people healed, the oppressed set free, breakthrough and people experiencing your love in a powerful way.” Who knew that a move of God would have such consequences!?
Don’t give up!
But I kept going and knew that God hadn’t told me to quit. I like being on my own and spending hours, ideally days with the Lord, but I also knew that He had called me to inspire others, to confront deception and to demonstrate His love and power. The enemy wants you to quit. Don’t give in or give up, but find what is causing you to want to bail out and address those issues head on.
So for me, rather than running away when asked to pray for someone who comes up to me at an event, I find someone else nearby to do the miracle and I stand with them. That way, the person gets their breakthrough and the one I roped in gets to do a miracle and witness the power of God through their own hands. And for all those people online who need a miracle, we added a contact form and a prayer page, with a video, to our website (SpiritLifestyle.com). And I bravely made the decision to deal with all the prayer requests myself, at least for the time being.
Like Bruce Almighty, I often feel overwhelmed with the pleas and tragic stories that are sent in. I regularly sit at my laptop and scroll through every single prayer request that we receive and ask God to make Himself known to those hurting people in a miraculous way and also for breakthrough for their families. Of course, if I could just press ‘YES, PRAYER ANSWERED’ like Bruce Almighty, I would, but as you know that isn’t quite how it works!
I have to say it thrills my heart to hear back from those who we’ve helped in some way, through our prayers, videos, books or events, and so we’ve also added a ‘Testimony’ form that I also get to see. Mandy’s was one such testimony and I’d like to share it with you. This is one of the first messages she sent in:
“Twelve years ago I suffered a catastrophic spinal injury which left me disabled and in chronic pain, with so many health issues. I also have a genetic disorder called EDS (Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome). I was a special needs teacher, single mum and avid tennis player. It badly affected my teenage son’s life too. In the last few weeks I’ve discovered your ministry, read 4 of your books, and WOW so much change.
I’m coming to Stratford (London Miracle Weekend) with my disability dog in July… I’m so excited for my life now. I’ve been starving for Him … THANK YOU”.
I was intrigued when I read this message from Mandy, and then I also came across her comment on one of my YouTube videos:
“I have read 4 of your books back to back. My health has improved – my pain is less and I’ve started declaring His authority in my life. Last week I was due to visit the dentist and was so so scared (I can’t lie down very well). I had a bad tooth and my gums were bleeding badly. I declared health over them the day before and woke up with no toothache! Best of all the dentist said my gums were healthy!!!
I’ve also yawned and yawned so much when I confronted demons as Aliss teaches in her book, ‘The Normal Supernatural Christian Life’, and immediately felt lighter. I’m going on her course in Stratford in ten days! I can’t wait!!!! I just know my life and hopefully my sons is about to change forever. I am Soooo hungry for Him and Aliss is such a brilliant teacher. She has a way of simplifying the Word while showing a very profound understanding of our roles as Christians. Her honesty is so refreshing. I thank Jesus with all my heart for this extraordinary Christian!”
It was encouraging to read these comments, but I wondered what would happen when Mandy came to our ‘Miracle Weekend’ in London. Would she get completely healed of her disabilities and hereditary disease? And what would happen to her disability dog if she did!?
During our events I try to hang back in the practical sessions; we encourage people to pray for each other instead, so that Jesus gets all the glory for the miracles and not me or Rob. It also means that the attendees are launched into ministry themselves and discover just how powerful Jesus is when they follow Him and step out in faith. I love it when they find out just how simple it really is.
The Miracle Weekend
So, the big day arrived and so did our attendees, including Mandy. I noticed her disability dog first, a golden Labrador, and initially thought that perhaps she was someone’s guide dog, but then remembered about Mandy. As usual, Rob and I did some teaching, demonstrated God’s power and explained what was happening, and then got everybody to practice on each other.
Right from the outset, there was much excitement as people waved and shouted out that they were healed, some screamed as demons left them and quite a few gave their lives to Jesus. During the last session of the day, we invited anyone who had received a miracle at the event to come forward and share what had happened. We didn’t have time to hear them all, as there were so many people wanting to share their breakthrough with their new-found friends at the event.
But Mandy was one who did share. With a beaming face she told us that all the pain was gone, she was moving and walking freely, something she hadn’t done for twelve years. She told us that she no longer needed her dog as a ‘disability dog’ but the dog was due to retire soon anyway, so that was good. We all cheered and then cheered again as a woman who Mandy prayed for got her hearing back and walked unaided.
Another update
And today I came across this update from Mandy on my YouTube channel:
“Had to add an update from my last post. I went on Aliss’s Miracle Weekend and as I knew would happen, my life changed forever. She is very clear that she doesn’t heal but it’s the Holy Spirit through her. She empowers participants to become channels too and I witnessed many healings on that weekend. Best of all, I received healing through a lady from Kenya and was used to heal two others – one a 53 year old nurse with severe back and hip pain and an elderly lady who was deaf in her left ear and could barely walk.
It was an emotional moment as I watched her walking very fast around the hall and laughing that she could hear! That weekend I was activated, and since coming home have continued to be used to heal deafness and broken bones. I am no one special at all and if I can be activated anyone can, as long as they follow Aliss’s very straightforward teaching, are willing to be bold and have the faith of just a tiny mustard seed.
Sure, before the course I was a doubting Thomas. I wouldn’t believe in healing unless I saw results. Now I know who I am in Christ and what I am called to do. I’ve shared her DVDs with friends and they are now stepping out too! Before the course I was an armchair Christian – attending church but not willing or confident to be bold. I didn’t realise or recognise who I was in Him but now I do and my life has changed forever. It’s been three weeks since I attended (the Spirit Lifestyle Miracle Weekend) and I’ve already been used to heal and shared my experiences with a prayer group (from many churches) that meets regularly in a coffee shop in town. They asked me to join them and I feel excited as He uses me. Please go on her courses. I can honestly say it will change your life. Her testimony is very powerful but meeting her and her husband will be life changing.”
Mandy’s story is not unusual. She is one of a growing uprising of ‘ordinary’ people all across the world who are beginning to learn their true identity as powerful children of God, “anointed with the Holy Spirit and with power who go around healing all that are oppressed by the devil because God is with them” (see Acts 10:38). This is a ‘movement’ of those who’ve discovered that sin, sickness and pain, torment, struggling and living ‘under attack’ should not be the norm and have no place in God’s kingdom. This is a movement of people, all ages, who are on the offensive, pushing back the kingdom of darkness everywhere they go, full of the Spirit of Jesus: the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords. The tide is turning. No longer looking for a ‘Bruce Almighty’ or ‘Aliss Almighty’ to wave their magic wands, but each of us anointed co-heirs with Christ grasping our spiritual inheritance with both hands and overcoming the spirit of this age, tasting the powers of the age to come.
Note: There are just two more ‘Miracle Weekends’ in 2019. If you want to be a part of this uprising, if you know there is more and want to be trained and activated into a lifestyle of miracles, then consider attending one of these events:
4-5 October Asheville NC
25-26 October Chesapeake VA
UK – details coming soon for 2020 dates
Visit www.SpiritLifestyle.com for details
As you may imagine, because we’ve witnessed tremendous miracles of healing, freedom and breakthrough over the years in the lives of so many, we receive thousands of messages from people all over the world, desperate for a miracle and wanting answers to prayer.
It got to a point where we literally had to unplug the phone and now we don’t even have a phone line at all, we just couldn’t deal with the huge number of calls from so many desperate people. To be honest, at times I felt like crying and running away, although where to, I didn’t know. Just anywhere, away from the burden of so much pain and desperation. “Lord. I never asked for this,” I cried. All I wanted was to see sick people healed, the oppressed set free, breakthrough and people experiencing your love in a powerful way.” Who knew that a move of God would have such consequences!?
Don’t give up!
But I kept going and knew that God hadn’t told me to quit. I like being on my own and spending hours, ideally days with the Lord, but I also knew that He had called me to inspire others, to confront deception and to demonstrate His love and power. The enemy wants you to quit. Don’t give in or give up, but find what is causing you to want to bail out and address those issues head on.
So for me, rather than running away when asked to pray for someone who comes up to me at an event, I find someone else nearby to do the miracle and I stand with them. That way, the person gets their breakthrough and the one I roped in gets to do a miracle and witness the power of God through their own hands. And for all those people online who need a miracle, we added a contact form and a prayer page, with a video, to our website (SpiritLifestyle.com). And I bravely made the decision to deal with all the prayer requests myself, at least for the time being.
Like Bruce Almighty, I often feel overwhelmed with the pleas and tragic stories that are sent in. I regularly sit at my laptop and scroll through every single prayer request that we receive and ask God to make Himself known to those hurting people in a miraculous way and also for breakthrough for their families. Of course, if I could just press ‘YES, PRAYER ANSWERED’ like Bruce Almighty, I would, but as you know that isn’t quite how it works!
I have to say it thrills my heart to hear back from those who we’ve helped in some way, through our prayers, videos, books or events, and so we’ve also added a ‘Testimony’ form that I also get to see. Mandy’s was one such testimony and I’d like to share it with you. This is one of the first messages she sent in:
“Twelve years ago I suffered a catastrophic spinal injury which left me disabled and in chronic pain, with so many health issues. I also have a genetic disorder called EDS (Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome). I was a special needs teacher, single mum and avid tennis player. It badly affected my teenage son’s life too. In the last few weeks I’ve discovered your ministry, read 4 of your books, and WOW so much change.
I’m coming to Stratford (London Miracle Weekend) with my disability dog in July… I’m so excited for my life now. I’ve been starving for Him … THANK YOU”.
I was intrigued when I read this message from Mandy, and then I also came across her comment on one of my YouTube videos:
“I have read 4 of your books back to back. My health has improved – my pain is less and I’ve started declaring His authority in my life. Last week I was due to visit the dentist and was so so scared (I can’t lie down very well). I had a bad tooth and my gums were bleeding badly. I declared health over them the day before and woke up with no toothache! Best of all the dentist said my gums were healthy!!!
I’ve also yawned and yawned so much when I confronted demons as Aliss teaches in her book, ‘The Normal Supernatural Christian Life’, and immediately felt lighter. I’m going on her course in Stratford in ten days! I can’t wait!!!! I just know my life and hopefully my sons is about to change forever. I am Soooo hungry for Him and Aliss is such a brilliant teacher. She has a way of simplifying the Word while showing a very profound understanding of our roles as Christians. Her honesty is so refreshing. I thank Jesus with all my heart for this extraordinary Christian!”
It was encouraging to read these comments, but I wondered what would happen when Mandy came to our ‘Miracle Weekend’ in London. Would she get completely healed of her disabilities and hereditary disease? And what would happen to her disability dog if she did!?
During our events I try to hang back in the practical sessions; we encourage people to pray for each other instead, so that Jesus gets all the glory for the miracles and not me or Rob. It also means that the attendees are launched into ministry themselves and discover just how powerful Jesus is when they follow Him and step out in faith. I love it when they find out just how simple it really is.
The Miracle Weekend
So, the big day arrived and so did our attendees, including Mandy. I noticed her disability dog first, a golden Labrador, and initially thought that perhaps she was someone’s guide dog, but then remembered about Mandy. As usual, Rob and I did some teaching, demonstrated God’s power and explained what was happening, and then got everybody to practice on each other.
Right from the outset, there was much excitement as people waved and shouted out that they were healed, some screamed as demons left them and quite a few gave their lives to Jesus. During the last session of the day, we invited anyone who had received a miracle at the event to come forward and share what had happened. We didn’t have time to hear them all, as there were so many people wanting to share their breakthrough with their new-found friends at the event.
But Mandy was one who did share. With a beaming face she told us that all the pain was gone, she was moving and walking freely, something she hadn’t done for twelve years. She told us that she no longer needed her dog as a ‘disability dog’ but the dog was due to retire soon anyway, so that was good. We all cheered and then cheered again as a woman who Mandy prayed for got her hearing back and walked unaided.
Another update
And today I came across this update from Mandy on my YouTube channel:
“Had to add an update from my last post. I went on Aliss’s Miracle Weekend and as I knew would happen, my life changed forever. She is very clear that she doesn’t heal but it’s the Holy Spirit through her. She empowers participants to become channels too and I witnessed many healings on that weekend. Best of all, I received healing through a lady from Kenya and was used to heal two others – one a 53 year old nurse with severe back and hip pain and an elderly lady who was deaf in her left ear and could barely walk.
It was an emotional moment as I watched her walking very fast around the hall and laughing that she could hear! That weekend I was activated, and since coming home have continued to be used to heal deafness and broken bones. I am no one special at all and if I can be activated anyone can, as long as they follow Aliss’s very straightforward teaching, are willing to be bold and have the faith of just a tiny mustard seed.
Sure, before the course I was a doubting Thomas. I wouldn’t believe in healing unless I saw results. Now I know who I am in Christ and what I am called to do. I’ve shared her DVDs with friends and they are now stepping out too! Before the course I was an armchair Christian – attending church but not willing or confident to be bold. I didn’t realise or recognise who I was in Him but now I do and my life has changed forever. It’s been three weeks since I attended (the Spirit Lifestyle Miracle Weekend) and I’ve already been used to heal and shared my experiences with a prayer group (from many churches) that meets regularly in a coffee shop in town. They asked me to join them and I feel excited as He uses me. Please go on her courses. I can honestly say it will change your life. Her testimony is very powerful but meeting her and her husband will be life changing.”
Mandy’s story is not unusual. She is one of a growing uprising of ‘ordinary’ people all across the world who are beginning to learn their true identity as powerful children of God, “anointed with the Holy Spirit and with power who go around healing all that are oppressed by the devil because God is with them” (see Acts 10:38). This is a ‘movement’ of those who’ve discovered that sin, sickness and pain, torment, struggling and living ‘under attack’ should not be the norm and have no place in God’s kingdom. This is a movement of people, all ages, who are on the offensive, pushing back the kingdom of darkness everywhere they go, full of the Spirit of Jesus: the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords. The tide is turning. No longer looking for a ‘Bruce Almighty’ or ‘Aliss Almighty’ to wave their magic wands, but each of us anointed co-heirs with Christ grasping our spiritual inheritance with both hands and overcoming the spirit of this age, tasting the powers of the age to come.
Note: There are just two more ‘Miracle Weekends’ in 2019. If you want to be a part of this uprising, if you know there is more and want to be trained and activated into a lifestyle of miracles, then consider attending one of these events:
4-5 October Asheville NC
25-26 October Chesapeake VA
UK – details coming soon for 2020 dates
Visit www.SpiritLifestyle.com for details
As you may imagine, because we’ve witnessed tremendous miracles of healing, freedom and breakthrough over the years in the lives of so many, we receive thousands of messages from people all over the world, desperate for a miracle and wanting answers to prayer.
It got to a point where we literally had to unplug the phone and now we don’t even have a phone line at all, we just couldn’t deal with the huge number of calls from so many desperate people. To be honest, at times I felt like crying and running away, although where to, I didn’t know. Just anywhere, away from the burden of so much pain and desperation. “Lord. I never asked for this,” I cried. All I wanted was to see sick people healed, the oppressed set free, breakthrough and people experiencing your love in a powerful way.” Who knew that a move of God would have such consequences!?
Don’t give up!
But I kept going and knew that God hadn’t told me to quit. I like being on my own and spending hours, ideally days with the Lord, but I also knew that He had called me to inspire others, to confront deception and to demonstrate His love and power. The enemy wants you to quit. Don’t give in or give up, but find what is causing you to want to bail out and address those issues head on.
So for me, rather than running away when asked to pray for someone who comes up to me at an event, I find someone else nearby to do the miracle and I stand with them. That way, the person gets their breakthrough and the one I roped in gets to do a miracle and witness the power of God through their own hands. And for all those people online who need a miracle, we added a contact form and a prayer page, with a video, to our website (SpiritLifestyle.com). And I bravely made the decision to deal with all the prayer requests myself, at least for the time being.
Like Bruce Almighty, I often feel overwhelmed with the pleas and tragic stories that are sent in. I regularly sit at my laptop and scroll through every single prayer request that we receive and ask God to make Himself known to those hurting people in a miraculous way and also for breakthrough for their families. Of course, if I could just press ‘YES, PRAYER ANSWERED’ like Bruce Almighty, I would, but as you know that isn’t quite how it works!
I have to say it thrills my heart to hear back from those who we’ve helped in some way, through our prayers, videos, books or events, and so we’ve also added a ‘Testimony’ form that I also get to see. Mandy’s was one such testimony and I’d like to share it with you. This is one of the first messages she sent in:
“Twelve years ago I suffered a catastrophic spinal injury which left me disabled and in chronic pain, with so many health issues. I also have a genetic disorder called EDS (Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome). I was a special needs teacher, single mum and avid tennis player. It badly affected my teenage son’s life too. In the last few weeks I’ve discovered your ministry, read 4 of your books, and WOW so much change.
I’m coming to Stratford (London Miracle Weekend) with my disability dog in July… I’m so excited for my life now. I’ve been starving for Him … THANK YOU”.
I was intrigued when I read this message from Mandy, and then I also came across her comment on one of my YouTube videos:
“I have read 4 of your books back to back. My health has improved – my pain is less and I’ve started declaring His authority in my life. Last week I was due to visit the dentist and was so so scared (I can’t lie down very well). I had a bad tooth and my gums were bleeding badly. I declared health over them the day before and woke up with no toothache! Best of all the dentist said my gums were healthy!!!
I’ve also yawned and yawned so much when I confronted demons as Aliss teaches in her book, ‘The Normal Supernatural Christian Life’, and immediately felt lighter. I’m going on her course in Stratford in ten days! I can’t wait!!!! I just know my life and hopefully my sons is about to change forever. I am Soooo hungry for Him and Aliss is such a brilliant teacher. She has a way of simplifying the Word while showing a very profound understanding of our roles as Christians. Her honesty is so refreshing. I thank Jesus with all my heart for this extraordinary Christian!”
It was encouraging to read these comments, but I wondered what would happen when Mandy came to our ‘Miracle Weekend’ in London. Would she get completely healed of her disabilities and hereditary disease? And what would happen to her disability dog if she did!?
During our events I try to hang back in the practical sessions; we encourage people to pray for each other instead, so that Jesus gets all the glory for the miracles and not me or Rob. It also means that the attendees are launched into ministry themselves and discover just how powerful Jesus is when they follow Him and step out in faith. I love it when they find out just how simple it really is.
The Miracle Weekend
So, the big day arrived and so did our attendees, including Mandy. I noticed her disability dog first, a golden Labrador, and initially thought that perhaps she was someone’s guide dog, but then remembered about Mandy. As usual, Rob and I did some teaching, demonstrated God’s power and explained what was happening, and then got everybody to practice on each other.
Right from the outset, there was much excitement as people waved and shouted out that they were healed, some screamed as demons left them and quite a few gave their lives to Jesus. During the last session of the day, we invited anyone who had received a miracle at the event to come forward and share what had happened. We didn’t have time to hear them all, as there were so many people wanting to share their breakthrough with their new-found friends at the event.
But Mandy was one who did share. With a beaming face she told us that all the pain was gone, she was moving and walking freely, something she hadn’t done for twelve years. She told us that she no longer needed her dog as a ‘disability dog’ but the dog was due to retire soon anyway, so that was good. We all cheered and then cheered again as a woman who Mandy prayed for got her hearing back and walked unaided.
Another update
And today I came across this update from Mandy on my YouTube channel:
“Had to add an update from my last post. I went on Aliss’s Miracle Weekend and as I knew would happen, my life changed forever. She is very clear that she doesn’t heal but it’s the Holy Spirit through her. She empowers participants to become channels too and I witnessed many healings on that weekend. Best of all, I received healing through a lady from Kenya and was used to heal two others – one a 53 year old nurse with severe back and hip pain and an elderly lady who was deaf in her left ear and could barely walk.
It was an emotional moment as I watched her walking very fast around the hall and laughing that she could hear! That weekend I was activated, and since coming home have continued to be used to heal deafness and broken bones. I am no one special at all and if I can be activated anyone can, as long as they follow Aliss’s very straightforward teaching, are willing to be bold and have the faith of just a tiny mustard seed.
Sure, before the course I was a doubting Thomas. I wouldn’t believe in healing unless I saw results. Now I know who I am in Christ and what I am called to do. I’ve shared her DVDs with friends and they are now stepping out too! Before the course I was an armchair Christian – attending church but not willing or confident to be bold. I didn’t realise or recognise who I was in Him but now I do and my life has changed forever. It’s been three weeks since I attended (the Spirit Lifestyle Miracle Weekend) and I’ve already been used to heal and shared my experiences with a prayer group (from many churches) that meets regularly in a coffee shop in town. They asked me to join them and I feel excited as He uses me. Please go on her courses. I can honestly say it will change your life. Her testimony is very powerful but meeting her and her husband will be life changing.”
Mandy’s story is not unusual. She is one of a growing uprising of ‘ordinary’ people all across the world who are beginning to learn their true identity as powerful children of God, “anointed with the Holy Spirit and with power who go around healing all that are oppressed by the devil because God is with them” (see Acts 10:38). This is a ‘movement’ of those who’ve discovered that sin, sickness and pain, torment, struggling and living ‘under attack’ should not be the norm and have no place in God’s kingdom. This is a movement of people, all ages, who are on the offensive, pushing back the kingdom of darkness everywhere they go, full of the Spirit of Jesus: the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords. The tide is turning. No longer looking for a ‘Bruce Almighty’ or ‘Aliss Almighty’ to wave their magic wands, but each of us anointed co-heirs with Christ grasping our spiritual inheritance with both hands and overcoming the spirit of this age, tasting the powers of the age to come.
Note: There are just two more ‘Miracle Weekends’ in 2019. If you want to be a part of this uprising, if you know there is more and want to be trained and activated into a lifestyle of miracles, then consider attending one of these events:
4-5 October Asheville NC
25-26 October Chesapeake VA
UK – details coming soon for 2020 dates
Visit www.SpiritLifestyle.com for details