Breakthrough for Families!
By Aliss Cresswell
Breakthrough for Families!
By Aliss Cresswell
Since revival broke out in our café and then our shop ten years ago, we’ve seen incredible miracles of healing, deliverance and salvations, far too numerous to count. But I have to tell you that in the past year we’ve seen more miracles within families than ever before. And not just in one place, but everywhere we go! The Lord is making it clear that this really is a season of breakthrough for your family.
As a mother and now a grandmother, I have amassed untold hours of prayer for my loved ones and I’m sure you have too, perhaps also with a few hours of worry thrown in! I want to share with you something that I hope will encourage you to keep praying, keep expecting and not to give up, no matter how impossible the circumstances seem.
An assignment in Glasgow, Scotland
Having just completed our UK ‘miracle’ tour, it is becoming clear that God is on the move, and He’s moving among families.

Glasgow workshop
Our first event was Glasgow, Scotland. One fifth of our workshop attendees came to the front to give their lives to Jesus during the very first session while miracles were breaking out. Among them was a local woman who has since written us this note:
“I’m a loner who never really reaches out for help, always trying to cope on my own… Since reading your books and coming to your workshop I genuinely feel blessed and now know that me and my daughter can be saved, that God loves me and through Jesus’ selfless act of unconditional love for us all we can be born again. I’m 54 and I’ve just picked up the Bible for the first time… Satan has had a grip of me all my life, but no more – I invite Jesus into my life. I cried with joy that someone who does the Lord’s work was near my hometown… I look forward to growing my relationship with Jesus and can’t wait to be baptised in His Holy Spirit and water as a newborn child of God… much love to you for doing this amazing work for simple people like me so we can come to Jesus!”
Needless to say, I was in tears as I read her comments.

“Never the same again!”
Another woman had flown in from the Outer Hebrides with her son who needed a miracle. She too gave her life to Jesus and then after getting free from evil spirits, her son also got saved. He was visibly impacted by Jesus and with tears in his eyes thanked us repeatedly and said that his life would never be the same ever again. The demons that had tormented him for years had gone and his face began to glow.
Anniversary of a Scottish revival
The Outer Hebrides was the location for a powerful revival in 1949. Interestingly, I discovered that a relative of mine published a book by Duncan Campbell about the revival soon after it happened! Is it mere coincidence that the first people saved on our UK tour were a mother and son from the Isle of Lewis, the very island where the revival began 70 years ago?
Biblically, the number 70 represents the ending of captivity for the people of God (Israelites came out of Babylonian exile after 70 years), as well as encounters with the presence and glory of God (Moses took 70 elders up Mount Sinai to meet with God). Jesus sent 70 of His followers to demonstrate the Kingdom of God in powerful miracles of healing, deliverance and salvation, and apparently Jesus shared 70 parables in the gospels too. It’s time for freedom from captivity, to abide in the glorious presence of God and to demonstrate His Kingdom in love and power.
Piercing the darkness
We saw many others receive salvation, healing and freedom in Glasgow, but the recurring theme throughout the whole month seemed to be family members being swept into the Kingdom, and many who practiced New Age and witchcraft.
One such woman was our Airbnb host. As soon as we entered the property in which we and our team stayed, we noticed the demonic paraphernalia around the house. It didn’t bother us of course, as when you’re full of the Holy Spirit you can simply let the light out and not be affected by any darkness around you. So that’s what we did, but I was hoping we’d get a chance to meet the owner.

The Airbnb house where we stayed
Amazingly our Airbnb host came to our Miracle evening with her friend, and then the night before we left we met her at a local pub. Sitting outside in the warm sunshine beside a river, we prayed together. Renouncing all her involvement with the occult and New Age, this lovely lady gave her life to Jesus.
The following morning after we’d packed up our car, she appeared with a large bag and we helped as she put all the demonic books and paraphernalia into the trash. She explained how she’d cried out to God just a couple of weeks earlier, asking Him for a miracle. She had no idea who we were until the day of our event, but she told us as we left that we were the answer to her prayers and that she was having a brand new start with Jesus.
Back in our home town of Chester
Next stop was our home city of Chester. Our US team members, Tom & Beth, were with us for the whole month. We introduced them to our families and showed them around our beautiful city of Chester and Wales too.

What a day! Saved, healed and then doing miracles.
During the first session of our Chester workshop, people who wanted to get saved streamed out to the front again! One of them was a woman whose family was from another religion. Not only did she get saved, but at least three of her family members who had come to the workshop also got saved. One of those was her sister who gave her life to Jesus, only an hour later was completely healed of a frozen shoulder and then was releasing miracles for others! In fact, we had so many miracles breaking out in Chester that we didn’t have time to hear all the testimonies!
Also present at our Chester workshop were some of the amazing people featured in my new book, Unexpected Miracles. It was so encouraging to hear from them as they shared some of their incredible miracle stories. You can find the book here: UNEXPECTED MIRACLES: Powerful Real-life Stories
Whether your loved ones are involved in other religions, New Age practices, the occult, have addictions or are simply in need of a touch from God, I have to tell you that Father God carries them in His heart and He has good plans for them.
Last stop London!
Our new workshop, ‘Time to Launch’ was a great success! Then the following day, our ‘Miracle Workshop’ kicked off with a couple who shared how their lives had been impacted by our London workshop a couple of years ago. They’ve led so many people to Jesus, cast out demons and released many miracles since the workshop, they are now starting up their own church!

Renounced Reiki, gave her life to Jesus, now sharing her testimony
A woman then explained how she’d been involved in Reiki until she’d seen me on TV a few months back, and how she’d renounced all her New Age practices and given her life to Jesus. As she was telling us this, with tears in her eyes, I felt a nudge from the Holy Spirit to ask if anyone else wanted to give their life to Jesus too. This was during the introductions, before we’d even begun the first session of the workshop, but again people began to stream to the front of the meeting. I hardly had to ask, it seemed they came to our workshop specially to meet Jesus. I was fighting back the tears as we held hands and I led them in a prayer of salvation.

More people giving their lives to Jesus
One young woman who got saved had come with her dad. After the first activation where we got people praying for each other, he came out and showed us how a large and painful lump had just disappeared and how he was now able to move all his fingers and his hand again. As he spoke, he discovered the large lump on his side was disappearing and later in the day shared how he’d come off heroin when he got saved. He shared how his legs had also just been healed and then his daughter came out to the front again and got free from demons. Her face was radiant as she smiled for the first time in a long while. My eyes were moist again as I watched this beaming father and his daughter embrace. God is so good. And what He has done for them, He will do for you! He wants your family reunited, healed, saved, free and whole.

Saved in the morning and set free in the afternoon
We’re in an ‘Acts 10’ Season
There is no doubt in my mind that we’re in an ‘Acts 10’ season. The Lord gave me this Scripture and now it’s happening right in front of our eyes. In Acts 10, Cornelius the Centurion had a supernatural encounter with an angel. Cornelius was a leader, and a God-fearing man, but not a follower of Jesus. He was not a Jew, but he was a man of prayer and gave to the poor. His prayers came up before the Lord one day, just as your prayers for your loved ones are reaching the Lord. At just the right time, the answer will come.
At the same time, Peter fell into a trance and the Holy Spirit told him to go to the home of Cornelius and share about Jesus. As a result, the power and presence of God fell in that place and not only Cornelius, but his entire family and close friends were saved, filled with the Holy Spirit and baptised in water.
I tell you, now is the time for supernatural encounters, to obey the promptings of the Holy Spirit, muster up some courage, step out in faith and demonstrate God’s love and power to your loved ones. This move of God is moving!
Pray a supernatural prayer with me
I’m going to help you pray for your loved ones right now. Ask the Holy Spirit to bring someone to mind. Begin to imagine them in your mind’s eye. Picture what they are doing at this moment, where they are and what they are wearing. Step forward in faith, through the door that is Jesus and imagine walking into the place where they are and standing right in front of them. Put out your hand in front of you as though you are placing your hand on their head. Try praying along these lines:
“Father, I thank you for ………. I release the light into ………’s life. I cancel every assignment of Satan against …………. And I bind every demon from operating in their life. I release the Kingdom of Heaven and I ask the Holy Spirit to come and make the presence of Jesus known to ………………. I pray for supernatural encounters with God and His messengers. I release the love of God into ……………’s heart through the Holy Spirit. I take authority over every sickness, particularly …………….. and I command it to leave ……………’s spirit, mind, emotions and body. I release healing in the name of Jesus and freedom and salvation” and then continue to pray for them as the Holy Spirit leads you.
“Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen.” Ephesians 3:20
Please keep in touch by leaving a comment, through our contact or prayer page and if you’d like to attend a Spirit Lifestyle event with Rob & Aliss Cresswell click here
Since revival broke out in our café and then our shop ten years ago, we’ve seen incredible miracles of healing, deliverance and salvations, far too numerous to count. But I have to tell you that in the past year we’ve seen more miracles within families than ever before. And not just in one place, but everywhere we go! The Lord is making it clear that this really is a season of breakthrough for your family.
As a mother and now a grandmother, I have amassed untold hours of prayer for my loved ones and I’m sure you have too, perhaps also with a few hours of worry thrown in! I want to share with you something that I hope will encourage you to keep praying, keep expecting and not to give up, no matter how impossible the circumstances seem.
An assignment in Glasgow, Scotland
Having just completed our UK ‘miracle’ tour, it is becoming clear that God is on the move, and He’s moving among families.

Glasgow workshop
Our first event was Glasgow, Scotland. One fifth of our workshop attendees came to the front to give their lives to Jesus during the very first session while miracles were breaking out. Among them was a local woman who has since written us this note:
“I’m a loner who never really reaches out for help, always trying to cope on my own… Since reading your books and coming to your workshop I genuinely feel blessed and now know that me and my daughter can be saved, that God loves me and through Jesus’ selfless act of unconditional love for us all we can be born again. I’m 54 and I’ve just picked up the Bible for the first time… Satan has had a grip of me all my life, but no more – I invite Jesus into my life. I cried with joy that someone who does the Lord’s work was near my hometown… I look forward to growing my relationship with Jesus and can’t wait to be baptised in His Holy Spirit and water as a newborn child of God… much love to you for doing this amazing work for simple people like me so we can come to Jesus!”
Needless to say, I was in tears as I read her comments.

“Never the same again!”
Another woman had flown in from the Outer Hebrides with her son who needed a miracle. She too gave her life to Jesus and then after getting free from evil spirits, her son also got saved. He was visibly impacted by Jesus and with tears in his eyes thanked us repeatedly and said that his life would never be the same ever again. The demons that had tormented him for years had gone and his face began to glow.
Anniversary of a Scottish revival
The Outer Hebrides was the location for a powerful revival in 1949. Interestingly, I discovered that a relative of mine published a book by Duncan Campbell about the revival soon after it happened! Is it mere coincidence that the first people saved on our UK tour were a mother and son from the Isle of Lewis, the very island where the revival began 70 years ago?
Biblically, the number 70 represents the ending of captivity for the people of God (Israelites came out of Babylonian exile after 70 years), as well as encounters with the presence and glory of God (Moses took 70 elders up Mount Sinai to meet with God). Jesus sent 70 of His followers to demonstrate the Kingdom of God in powerful miracles of healing, deliverance and salvation, and apparently Jesus shared 70 parables in the gospels too. It’s time for freedom from captivity, to abide in the glorious presence of God and to demonstrate His Kingdom in love and power.
Piercing the darkness
We saw many others receive salvation, healing and freedom in Glasgow, but the recurring theme throughout the whole month seemed to be family members being swept into the Kingdom, and many who practiced New Age and witchcraft.
One such woman was our Airbnb host. As soon as we entered the property in which we and our team stayed, we noticed the demonic paraphernalia around the house. It didn’t bother us of course, as when you’re full of the Holy Spirit you can simply let the light out and not be affected by any darkness around you. So that’s what we did, but I was hoping we’d get a chance to meet the owner.

The Airbnb house where we stayed
Amazingly our Airbnb host came to our Miracle evening with her friend, and then the night before we left we met her at a local pub. Sitting outside in the warm sunshine beside a river, we prayed together. Renouncing all her involvement with the occult and New Age, this lovely lady gave her life to Jesus.
The following morning after we’d packed up our car, she appeared with a large bag and we helped as she put all the demonic books and paraphernalia into the trash. She explained how she’d cried out to God just a couple of weeks earlier, asking Him for a miracle. She had no idea who we were until the day of our event, but she told us as we left that we were the answer to her prayers and that she was having a brand new start with Jesus.
Back in our home town of Chester
Next stop was our home city of Chester. Our US team members, Tom & Beth, were with us for the whole month. We introduced them to our families and showed them around our beautiful city of Chester and Wales too.

What a day! Saved, healed and then doing miracles.
During the first session of our Chester workshop, people who wanted to get saved streamed out to the front again! One of them was a woman whose family was from another religion. Not only did she get saved, but at least three of her family members who had come to the workshop also got saved. One of those was her sister who gave her life to Jesus, only an hour later was completely healed of a frozen shoulder and then was releasing miracles for others! In fact, we had so many miracles breaking out in Chester that we didn’t have time to hear all the testimonies!
Also present at our Chester workshop were some of the amazing people featured in my new book, Unexpected Miracles. It was so encouraging to hear from them as they shared some of their incredible miracle stories. You can find the book here: UNEXPECTED MIRACLES: Powerful Real-life Stories
Whether your loved ones are involved in other religions, New Age practices, the occult, have addictions or are simply in need of a touch from God, I have to tell you that Father God carries them in His heart and He has good plans for them.
Last stop London!
Our new workshop, ‘Time to Launch’ was a great success! Then the following day, our ‘Miracle Workshop’ kicked off with a couple who shared how their lives had been impacted by our London workshop a couple of years ago. They’ve led so many people to Jesus, cast out demons and released many miracles since the workshop, they are now starting up their own church!

Renounced Reiki, gave her life to Jesus, now sharing her testimony
A woman then explained how she’d been involved in Reiki until she’d seen me on TV a few months back, and how she’d renounced all her New Age practices and given her life to Jesus. As she was telling us this, with tears in her eyes, I felt a nudge from the Holy Spirit to ask if anyone else wanted to give their life to Jesus too. This was during the introductions, before we’d even begun the first session of the workshop, but again people began to stream to the front of the meeting. I hardly had to ask, it seemed they came to our workshop specially to meet Jesus. I was fighting back the tears as we held hands and I led them in a prayer of salvation.

More people giving their lives to Jesus
One young woman who got saved had come with her dad. After the first activation where we got people praying for each other, he came out and showed us how a large and painful lump had just disappeared and how he was now able to move all his fingers and his hand again. As he spoke, he discovered the large lump on his side was disappearing and later in the day shared how he’d come off heroin when he got saved. He shared how his legs had also just been healed and then his daughter came out to the front again and got free from demons. Her face was radiant as she smiled for the first time in a long while. My eyes were moist again as I watched this beaming father and his daughter embrace. God is so good. And what He has done for them, He will do for you! He wants your family reunited, healed, saved, free and whole.

Saved in the morning and set free in the afternoon
We’re in an ‘Acts 10’ Season
There is no doubt in my mind that we’re in an ‘Acts 10’ season. The Lord gave me this Scripture and now it’s happening right in front of our eyes. In Acts 10, Cornelius the Centurion had a supernatural encounter with an angel. Cornelius was a leader, and a God-fearing man, but not a follower of Jesus. He was not a Jew, but he was a man of prayer and gave to the poor. His prayers came up before the Lord one day, just as your prayers for your loved ones are reaching the Lord. At just the right time, the answer will come.
At the same time, Peter fell into a trance and the Holy Spirit told him to go to the home of Cornelius and share about Jesus. As a result, the power and presence of God fell in that place and not only Cornelius, but his entire family and close friends were saved, filled with the Holy Spirit and baptised in water.
I tell you, now is the time for supernatural encounters, to obey the promptings of the Holy Spirit, muster up some courage, step out in faith and demonstrate God’s love and power to your loved ones. This move of God is moving!
Pray a supernatural prayer with me
I’m going to help you pray for your loved ones right now. Ask the Holy Spirit to bring someone to mind. Begin to imagine them in your mind’s eye. Picture what they are doing at this moment, where they are and what they are wearing. Step forward in faith, through the door that is Jesus and imagine walking into the place where they are and standing right in front of them. Put out your hand in front of you as though you are placing your hand on their head. Try praying along these lines:
“Father, I thank you for ………. I release the light into ………’s life. I cancel every assignment of Satan against …………. And I bind every demon from operating in their life. I release the Kingdom of Heaven and I ask the Holy Spirit to come and make the presence of Jesus known to ………………. I pray for supernatural encounters with God and His messengers. I release the love of God into ……………’s heart through the Holy Spirit. I take authority over every sickness, particularly …………….. and I command it to leave ……………’s spirit, mind, emotions and body. I release healing in the name of Jesus and freedom and salvation” and then continue to pray for them as the Holy Spirit leads you.
“Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen.” Ephesians 3:20
Please keep in touch by leaving a comment, through our contact or prayer page and if you’d like to attend a Spirit Lifestyle event with Rob & Aliss Cresswell click here
Since revival broke out in our café and then our shop ten years ago, we’ve seen incredible miracles of healing, deliverance and salvations, far too numerous to count. But I have to tell you that in the past year we’ve seen more miracles within families than ever before. And not just in one place, but everywhere we go! The Lord is making it clear that this really is a season of breakthrough for your family.
As a mother and now a grandmother, I have amassed untold hours of prayer for my loved ones and I’m sure you have too, perhaps also with a few hours of worry thrown in! I want to share with you something that I hope will encourage you to keep praying, keep expecting and not to give up, no matter how impossible the circumstances seem.
An assignment in Glasgow, Scotland
Having just completed our UK ‘miracle’ tour, it is becoming clear that God is on the move, and He’s moving among families.

Glasgow workshop
Our first event was Glasgow, Scotland. One fifth of our workshop attendees came to the front to give their lives to Jesus during the very first session while miracles were breaking out. Among them was a local woman who has since written us this note:
“I’m a loner who never really reaches out for help, always trying to cope on my own… Since reading your books and coming to your workshop I genuinely feel blessed and now know that me and my daughter can be saved, that God loves me and through Jesus’ selfless act of unconditional love for us all we can be born again. I’m 54 and I’ve just picked up the Bible for the first time… Satan has had a grip of me all my life, but no more – I invite Jesus into my life. I cried with joy that someone who does the Lord’s work was near my hometown… I look forward to growing my relationship with Jesus and can’t wait to be baptised in His Holy Spirit and water as a newborn child of God… much love to you for doing this amazing work for simple people like me so we can come to Jesus!”
Needless to say, I was in tears as I read her comments.

“Never the same again!”
Another woman had flown in from the Outer Hebrides with her son who needed a miracle. She too gave her life to Jesus and then after getting free from evil spirits, her son also got saved. He was visibly impacted by Jesus and with tears in his eyes thanked us repeatedly and said that his life would never be the same ever again. The demons that had tormented him for years had gone and his face began to glow.
Anniversary of a Scottish revival
The Outer Hebrides was the location for a powerful revival in 1949. Interestingly, I discovered that a relative of mine published a book by Duncan Campbell about the revival soon after it happened! Is it mere coincidence that the first people saved on our UK tour were a mother and son from the Isle of Lewis, the very island where the revival began 70 years ago?
Biblically, the number 70 represents the ending of captivity for the people of God (Israelites came out of Babylonian exile after 70 years), as well as encounters with the presence and glory of God (Moses took 70 elders up Mount Sinai to meet with God). Jesus sent 70 of His followers to demonstrate the Kingdom of God in powerful miracles of healing, deliverance and salvation, and apparently Jesus shared 70 parables in the gospels too. It’s time for freedom from captivity, to abide in the glorious presence of God and to demonstrate His Kingdom in love and power.
Piercing the darkness
We saw many others receive salvation, healing and freedom in Glasgow, but the recurring theme throughout the whole month seemed to be family members being swept into the Kingdom, and many who practiced New Age and witchcraft.
One such woman was our Airbnb host. As soon as we entered the property in which we and our team stayed, we noticed the demonic paraphernalia around the house. It didn’t bother us of course, as when you’re full of the Holy Spirit you can simply let the light out and not be affected by any darkness around you. So that’s what we did, but I was hoping we’d get a chance to meet the owner.

The Airbnb house where we stayed
Amazingly our Airbnb host came to our Miracle evening with her friend, and then the night before we left we met her at a local pub. Sitting outside in the warm sunshine beside a river, we prayed together. Renouncing all her involvement with the occult and New Age, this lovely lady gave her life to Jesus.
The following morning after we’d packed up our car, she appeared with a large bag and we helped as she put all the demonic books and paraphernalia into the trash. She explained how she’d cried out to God just a couple of weeks earlier, asking Him for a miracle. She had no idea who we were until the day of our event, but she told us as we left that we were the answer to her prayers and that she was having a brand new start with Jesus.
Back in our home town of Chester
Next stop was our home city of Chester. Our US team members, Tom & Beth, were with us for the whole month. We introduced them to our families and showed them around our beautiful city of Chester and Wales too.

What a day! Saved, healed and then doing miracles.
During the first session of our Chester workshop, people who wanted to get saved streamed out to the front again! One of them was a woman whose family was from another religion. Not only did she get saved, but at least three of her family members who had come to the workshop also got saved. One of those was her sister who gave her life to Jesus, only an hour later was completely healed of a frozen shoulder and then was releasing miracles for others! In fact, we had so many miracles breaking out in Chester that we didn’t have time to hear all the testimonies!
Also present at our Chester workshop were some of the amazing people featured in my new book, Unexpected Miracles. It was so encouraging to hear from them as they shared some of their incredible miracle stories. You can find the book here: UNEXPECTED MIRACLES: Powerful Real-life Stories
Whether your loved ones are involved in other religions, New Age practices, the occult, have addictions or are simply in need of a touch from God, I have to tell you that Father God carries them in His heart and He has good plans for them.
Last stop London!
Our new workshop, ‘Time to Launch’ was a great success! Then the following day, our ‘Miracle Workshop’ kicked off with a couple who shared how their lives had been impacted by our London workshop a couple of years ago. They’ve led so many people to Jesus, cast out demons and released many miracles since the workshop, they are now starting up their own church!

Renounced Reiki, gave her life to Jesus, now sharing her testimony
A woman then explained how she’d been involved in Reiki until she’d seen me on TV a few months back, and how she’d renounced all her New Age practices and given her life to Jesus. As she was telling us this, with tears in her eyes, I felt a nudge from the Holy Spirit to ask if anyone else wanted to give their life to Jesus too. This was during the introductions, before we’d even begun the first session of the workshop, but again people began to stream to the front of the meeting. I hardly had to ask, it seemed they came to our workshop specially to meet Jesus. I was fighting back the tears as we held hands and I led them in a prayer of salvation.

More people giving their lives to Jesus
One young woman who got saved had come with her dad. After the first activation where we got people praying for each other, he came out and showed us how a large and painful lump had just disappeared and how he was now able to move all his fingers and his hand again. As he spoke, he discovered the large lump on his side was disappearing and later in the day shared how he’d come off heroin when he got saved. He shared how his legs had also just been healed and then his daughter came out to the front again and got free from demons. Her face was radiant as she smiled for the first time in a long while. My eyes were moist again as I watched this beaming father and his daughter embrace. God is so good. And what He has done for them, He will do for you! He wants your family reunited, healed, saved, free and whole.

Saved in the morning and set free in the afternoon
We’re in an ‘Acts 10’ Season
There is no doubt in my mind that we’re in an ‘Acts 10’ season. The Lord gave me this Scripture and now it’s happening right in front of our eyes. In Acts 10, Cornelius the Centurion had a supernatural encounter with an angel. Cornelius was a leader, and a God-fearing man, but not a follower of Jesus. He was not a Jew, but he was a man of prayer and gave to the poor. His prayers came up before the Lord one day, just as your prayers for your loved ones are reaching the Lord. At just the right time, the answer will come.
At the same time, Peter fell into a trance and the Holy Spirit told him to go to the home of Cornelius and share about Jesus. As a result, the power and presence of God fell in that place and not only Cornelius, but his entire family and close friends were saved, filled with the Holy Spirit and baptised in water.
I tell you, now is the time for supernatural encounters, to obey the promptings of the Holy Spirit, muster up some courage, step out in faith and demonstrate God’s love and power to your loved ones. This move of God is moving!
Pray a supernatural prayer with me
I’m going to help you pray for your loved ones right now. Ask the Holy Spirit to bring someone to mind. Begin to imagine them in your mind’s eye. Picture what they are doing at this moment, where they are and what they are wearing. Step forward in faith, through the door that is Jesus and imagine walking into the place where they are and standing right in front of them. Put out your hand in front of you as though you are placing your hand on their head. Try praying along these lines:
“Father, I thank you for ………. I release the light into ………’s life. I cancel every assignment of Satan against …………. And I bind every demon from operating in their life. I release the Kingdom of Heaven and I ask the Holy Spirit to come and make the presence of Jesus known to ………………. I pray for supernatural encounters with God and His messengers. I release the love of God into ……………’s heart through the Holy Spirit. I take authority over every sickness, particularly …………….. and I command it to leave ……………’s spirit, mind, emotions and body. I release healing in the name of Jesus and freedom and salvation” and then continue to pray for them as the Holy Spirit leads you.
“Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen.” Ephesians 3:20
Please keep in touch by leaving a comment, through our contact or prayer page and if you’d like to attend a Spirit Lifestyle event with Rob & Aliss Cresswell click here